شيكا بيكا وبوليتيكا .. ومقالب أنتيكا ولا تزعل ولا تحزن .. اضحك برضه يا ويكا ها ها ها ها .. ع الشيكا بيكا !

Friday, May 25, 2007
Earlier today I was checking a Croatian dictionary on line as an influence of Dr. Ossama on me, then it crossed my mind to know what the meaning of SAD in Croatian is, I got several results and randomly picked one of them which was nepopravljiv and with further search it turn out to mean beyond repair or unrecoverable, I wondered about MY unrecoverable stuff and I made a list of them and that was it:
1- the ability to sleep
2- the ability to complain
3- the ability to fight for my rights
4- the ability to argue with any body
5- no more laughing from the heart
6- the ability to trust any one
7- reading
8- my self confidence
9- any ability to communicate face to face
10- most of my empathy
11- any sense of security
12- ambitions
13- the ability to love
14- caring
15- having a good cry
16- the ability to steam anger out
17- desire to live
18- desire to see people
19- desire to talk to anybody
20- and the worst ever … the power to say NO

I don’t need any back rubbing because simply I stopped feeling which is number 21
posted by Rivendell** at 10:00 PM | Permalink |